Saturday, December 1, 2012

My big fat sinking diet

Up a pound at weigh today
Because I am a pig.
If I don't learn to close my mouth...
I'll soon be Mister Big.

Too fat to sit in a normal chair.
Too fat to wear my pants.
Too fat to do most anything....
Except my gut enhance!

I must be tougher and resist
Temptations left and right.
And stop this habit that I've got...
---Eating everything in sight.

One Week

One week now is in the books
Poundage down by seven.
Slowing down my final goal...
To one day be in heaven.

I started out so very well.
Have slipped the last few days.
I'll have to get back on the bus...
Before my waistline pays.

Avoid the snacks and must eat less.
The words that I must live by.
Even though the sound of them...
Just makes me want to cry.